Tuesday 21 June 2011

Graphic Design Resources



This website was quite helpful, it offers a list of tutorials about how to create and design certain lighting effects- http://vandelaydesign.com/blog/design/photoshop-lighting-effects/ 

Just one of the many tutorials on how to create Abstract Line designs using illustrator- http://www.blog.spoongraphics.co.uk/tutorials/how-to-create-an-abstract-vector-design-in-illustrator

i found this site really helpful for a lot of things. On this website there are tutorials for many things that you may need to do in photoshop and illustrator- http://abduzeedo.com/tutorials

the following blog site i found had a various amount of illustrator tutorials. they are quite easy and simple to understand i recommend looking at this site- http://www.blog.spoongraphics.co.uk/articles/50-illustrator-tutorials-every-designer-should-see

another really good website that was really resourceful to both illustrator and photoshop was http://www.digitalartsonline.co.uk/tutorials/ this website has numerous tutorials and demonstrations on different things that you can create and design.


the following websites are ones that i use to help start getting ideas when creating and designing different projects.



http://www.graphicdesignblog.org/ This website was a really good reference. it is a host blog site for graphic designers to diplay their work.

http://blogs.agda.com.au/blog/view/post/the-value-of-agda The Australian Graphic Design Association (AGDA) is the national organisation for professional graphic designers.

There are millions of blogs to do with graphic design. some that appealed to me are;



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eneyl4KS99A- this youtube video i found useful. it is a quick photoshop tutorial on how to add a dramatic colour effect to your images.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsiQptl_Y9E- this video i found really interesting, it is a really easy to understand guide on how to give a virtual weight loss appearance to a figure in an image using photoshop tools.

Another good resource website to use is the adobe website. they have a 'video tutorial' option which gives you a list of easy to understand video tutorials.
(Illustrator video tutorials) http://help.adobe.com/en_US/Illustrator/14.0/WSA062795C-1C55-4549-8F48-CA796D1800C4.html

http://www.lynda.com/newreleases.aspx One of the greatest video tutorial websites on the web. This website will give you answers on various computer related subjects. Defiantly would highly recommend checking this site out.

Search Engines

If you have an question that you need answering, search engines are a great way to get that question answered.




Go fish: comes out once a year. it is a design magazine where you can design an image according to a theme that they set to you and you can upload your images to see if they get into the magazine. great to look at, really interesting designs.

IDN (international designers network): a really interesting magazine displaying different designers work.


Photoshop for dummies: Personally this book was really helpful to me starting out. It was a great reference book, anything you need to know about photoshop is in this book.

Graphic Design Essentials: This book is about the beginning principles with design skills and software instruction.

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