Sunday 31 July 2011

Colour Assessment; Colours and Emotions

In Illustrator we have been given our first assessment for semester 2. This assessment was to create 3 separate  designs to show each of the different emotions that were chosen for us. The three emotions that were chosen were Calm, Excitement and Anger. the following images are my final products.


For this particular image I have chosen to use a various number of soft artistic brushes in Illustrator and also geometric circles with blur effects applied, to the illusion of water and bubbles. The reasoning behind this technique is because I believe that water and bubbles are an effective symbol for calm. I have also chosen to use soft blue tones for the fact that in colour definition the meaning to blue represents calm peace and tranquility ( Blue tones can have a calming effect on people when looked at, this is why in interior design blue is quite a popular shade in bedrooms and rooms that need to be calming.


For this design, at the time i was angry. i channeled my emotion into this image and this is what i have come up with. For the background i have used different shades of red. In colour psychology the definition for red is angry and aggressive so this is why i have chosen to use this colour for this particular image ( For the rest of the image i have used a various number of grunge brushes. I have then drawn over the page with these in an angry fashion so it gives you a 'sharp' abstract confusing design.


This image was to communicate the emotion excitement. I started out by using a yellow background which i believe that yellow is an appropriate colour for excitement ( I then used geometric rectangles and a large orange oval to create a bright abstract 'sun' like image and a number of brushes placed across the middle of the page. After this i then used the warp and twirl tool to give the illusion of a heart monitor like the ones found the the hospital. i have made the lines look like the person is exited.

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