Sunday 27 November 2011


For one of our final assesments we were given in lukes class we were asked to design logos for 5 different fake businesses (Daves fish shop, Manic Nightclub, Scrumptious Cafe, Smart Systems IT Support and Smith and Jones accounting) For each of these businesses we were asked to produce 3 hand drawn logos for each which we then had to get a few people out of the class to give a rating out of 5. the winning logo we then had to create an illustrated logo based on the winning hand drawn one. the following are my hand drawn logos followed by the illustrated ones.

Daves Fish Shop

 Manic Nightclub

Scrumptious Cafe 

 Smart Systems I.T Support

Smith and Jones Accountants

Daves Fish Shop

 Manic Nightclub

 Scrumptious Cafe

 Smart Systems IT Support

 Smith and Jones Accountants

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