Monday 20 June 2011

CD Cover (Photoshop Assessment)

For the last term in photoshop we have been working on an assessment, to create and design our own dual case CD covers.

This in my final product..

Front Cover/ Back cover of booklet

Inside Pages

Back Cover and Spines

Inside Sleeve (Behind CD)

CD Face


Genre: Pop/Country

Reasoning: For the marjority of this assesment i have based it around things that have happend to me during my lifetime. The reasons i have chosen to do this genre is because 'country' reflects my past. i personally don't like country music but i have grown up in the country so it that is the reason i have chose to do this genre. I also have based the tracks around things that are important to me in my life. 

Colour Schemes: I chose a colour scheme that was a sepia tone. I then carried this colour scheme throughout the cover using browns and a shade of beige for the main title. I feel that the tones give the cover a warm country feel.

Imagery: All the imagery for this assessment had to be our own. I chose to put myself on the cover but i didn't just want to plain and simply put my face on the cover so i have only placed half on my face on the front. On the back i have then placed an image of myself again but this time i have used the rear of my head. This gives the illusion that it is the 'front and back' of the left side of my face.

Typeface: For this particular task i chose to use 3 different typefaces. I tried to choose fonts that were easy enough to read, but still eye catching. Throughout the album i have used a script font for my name which is close to something i got with an engraving on it when i was little. I have also used two different basic serif and san serif fonts.

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